7 Must Read Mentalism Books You can Learn to be a Mentalist

List of Best Mind Reading Mentalism Books You Can Buy From Market
Over the last decade, mentalism has had a huge popularity growth, massively expanding as a commercial form. That, of course, attracts a great number of people towards Mind reading, and if you want to master it, here are a few Mentalism books that will surely help.
13 Steps to Mentalism
Tony Corinda’s ’13 Steps to Mentalism’ is considered to be the Bible of mentalism. It was initially published as 13 booklets. In 1961, these booklets were combined into one and republished as ’13 Steps to Mentalism’. If one were to limit themselves to only one book, this should be the one. Corinda provides amazingly detailed information on cold reading, hot reading, and many other mentalism techniques. Although the book is considered to be standard literature for any magician or mentalist, do not read it under the impression that it will turn you into a mentalist overnight. The book is not an easy read, and while it is a great introduction to the vast field that is mentalism, only some of the information will be used immediately. A great part of all the valuable information found in the book is only to be appreciated at full significance by more experienced mentalists. While most of its references are pretty old, the effects and the techniques that they require are definitely still current. Corinda’s writing style and tone are engaging, and you will often find quite funny remarks throughout the book, which is undoubtedly comprehensive. Many modern mentalists, such as the renowned Derren Brown, have and are still using this book to build their own mentalism feats. A hard but fascinating read, This is a must have mentalism book for anyone who is taking a serious interest in mentalism.
Psychological Subtleties
Banachek’s (Steven Shaw) ‘Psychological Subtleties’ was described by the renowned magician Teller as a dangerous book among all the other mentalism books. It is known for its more modern approach toward mentalism. It comes in three volumes, each thoroughly explaining some impressive mentalism feats. The third volume has a chapter called ‘Subtle dealing with difficult spectators’. This chapter contains very useful information on how to overcome the fear of difficult volunteers and how to deal with them. The book also includes useful tips on body language, as well as some great linguistic strategies. All of these will most certainly help towards building a mentalism routine that will create the illusion of mind reading.
What Every Body Is Saying
Written by former FBI counterintelligence officer Joe Navarro, ‘What Every Body Is Saying’ is a very meticulously designed collection of mentalism tips. An expert of nonverbal behavior, Joe Navarro carefully explains every single thought that he is presenting in the book. The author provides an impressive number of clues as to how a person might be feeling at any given time. He presents several types of body language in pictures, correlating them with his past experiences as an FBI agent. Many consider the book to also be particularly useful for authors, as Navarro’s technique of describing scenes is very detailed and thoughtful. Well recognized in many circles, the book is guaranteed to make the reader more aware of their surroundings.
Practical Mental Magic
Written by the American mentalist Theodore Annemann, ‘Practical Mental Magic’ is considered by many to be one of the most important mentalism books. In this volume, Annemann reveals the secrets behind more than 150 amazing mental feats. Like Tony Corinda’s ’13 Steps to Mentalism’, this book presents some dated effects and methods. Nevertheless, it still has a greater amount of relevant pieces of advice and tricks that are still used by renowned mentalists of our era. The book is a great source of amazing methods for magic effects, which can easily be adapted to more modern routines. From cover to cover, Annemann’s book is filled with effects, from magic tricks to mentalism feats and whatnot.
Mind, Myth & Magick
Another great title for beginner mentalists is T.A. Waters’s ‘Mind, Myth & Magick’. Recognized as one of the most knowledgeable and original mentalists, Waters first released 21 booklets of mental feats during the 80s. Those were not sold to the public, but to a select clientele. As many other titles on mentalism, a great part is dated, such as the patter, but the author’s methods are still of great use. A great aspect of the book is that it gives insight into the author’s mind. The lecture is relatively easy, as Waters depicts his progress to the smallest detail, writing everything in chronological order.
The James Bond Cold Reading
Cold readings are acts of reading people’s mind that mentalists perform without any prior knowledge about their subject. The mentalism book by Julian Moore, ‘The James Bond Cold Reading’ offers more than a few lines for a beginner mentalist to memorize. It offers a very comprehensible collection of principles that are used for cold readings, giving the reader the perfect base to develop a perfect mindset. Moore shows the reader how the cold reading technique can be applied effectively using characters like James Bond. He proves that old techniques are still the best while giving them a bit more modern twist. His book offers a great learning experience that will teach beginners to practice mentalism-tricks using their own words, not memorized lines.
Naked Mentalism
Jon Thompson’s ‘Naked Mentalism’ comes in three volumes. It is considered to be one of the best mentalism books that does not require any props or requisite. One of the book’s best parts is the ‘Naked Book Test’. Well organized and laid out, Thompson’s ‘Naked Mentalism’ brings a refreshing originality to the field of Mind reading, and has also won him the ‘Amazon Editors’ Favourite Book of the Year’ award. Thompson offers a great number of techniques that are guaranteed to teach beginner mentalists to track a subject’s thought process even online or through a phone. It is a must have for any beginner or practicing mentalist.