AGT Magicians: Top 10 Magicians to Ever appear in America’s Got Talent

America’s Got Talent is a long-running American TV show that focuses on exposing the talents of numerous performers all with different kinds of acts. Magicians have also appeared on the show before, and here is a list of 10 of the best AGT Magicians to ever appear on the show.
America’s Got Talent Magicians eliminated in Judges Cut
Michael John
Michael John was one of the most lovable America’s got talent magicians to ever perform. At the time when he performed in the show, he was just 26 years old from Los Angeles California. He is a magician with unbelievable sleight of hand ability. He specializes in street magic especially with the use of cards. Michael was fascinated with magic from a very young age getting his first magic kit when he was seven. From that time, he has always performed magic and has never regretted. When he was in college, he also had a passion for baseball and he was really good at it. He was so good, that he almost turned pro. But during this time, he had allowed magic to take a backseat in his life –something he didn’t like. He decided to follow his heart and go back to magic. He decided to be a professional performer.
He decided to seize his opportunity when he appeared as one of AGT magicians to promote his brand and gain him some much-needed exposure.
His act consisted of him asking one of the judges to join him on stage. He then had her, pick a random card from a deck and write her name on it. He also wrote his name on a random card he picked. Next, he asked the judge to fold the card and hold it in her mouth between her teeth. He also did the same with his. He then went close to the judge as if in a kissing motion and asked her to open her card. The cards had switched position.
The judges eventually eliminated him later on in the show.
Even though the show has seen many magicians and performers over the years, the ten above represent the finest to ever grace the show. The fact that one of them actually won the competition goes to show how talented they were.
Aiden Sinclair
Aiden Sinclair is a professional magician from Wyoming USA. He is 43 years old and focuses on sleight of hand tricks and card tricks. He is infamously known for being in the wrong side of the law during his younger years. He was a conman who would fleece people using his tricks. When the law caught up with him, he served five years in federal prison. It is when he was in jail, that he came across a book that dealt with card tricks and how to perfect card trick skills. He also luckily found a deck of cards to aid him in his new found quest. For the five years that he was in prison, he taught himself card tricks and perfected his skills. While he was behind bars, he once saw an episode of America’s got talent and it made him think that one day he would like to be one of AGT magicians. At first, he didn’t actually think that he would ever appear on the show, but his dream came to reality in the 10th season of the show.
His most famous act in the show was the one where he came up with a deck of cards -which had been arranged upright and spread and presented it to the judges. One of the cards was arranged facing down. He would then return the cards into the box. He would later ask one of the judges to make a phone call to someone and request them to choose a card on phone. The card chosen would match the one that was facing downwards completing the trick. He was eliminated by the judges who decide he was not fit enough to proceed to the semi-finals.
AGT magicians Who Reached Quarterfinals
Mike Super
Mike Super is another magician who appeared as one of season nine’s AGT magicians. Mike is very particular about people referring to him as a magician. He prefers rather the title Mystifier. He prefers the title because he is not like the traditional magician who uses cards and sets on stage. He claims his tricks are more mental in nature, and that he has the ability to get into your mind. He has also sensationally claimed that he uses supernatural forces in his acts. His powers came from a spirit which started communicating with him since he was little and has continued communicating with him ever since. The spirit’s name is Desmond. Mike has previously stated that Desmond is the source of all his supernatural powers.
Mike started performing at the age of six, where his interest had stemmed from a prior visit to Walt Disney magic section. He grew up looking up to Harry Houdini and other legendary magicians. He is also a big fan of David Copperfield. Super appeared on season nine of America’s got talent, where he went all the way to the finals before being eliminated. He was born in Pennsylvania and is 40 years old. He resides in the same state with his wife and two beautiful children. At the show, his stand out performance was when he teleported from a glass chamber to another location in the hall. He also made triangular symbols appear on the hands of audience members.
America’s Got Talent Magicians To Reach Semifinal
Steven Brundage is an American Magician and performer who appeared on Season 11 of the famed America’s Got Talent TV show. He is one of the best AGT magicians to ever grace the show and he wowed the judges with his amazing Rubik cube skills. Brundage was 25 years old at the time of appearing at the show but he had already mastered his craft. He is originally from New York.
His journey to America’s got talent started when he was 13 years old. It is at this tender age that he fell in love with the Rubik’s cube after being introduced to it by his cousin. He was so good with the cube that in less than five days after he was introduced to it, he had solved it. A normal person would ordinarily take about six to eight months to solve it. Later on, his mother bought him a book on how to develop your Rubik cube solving skills.
From then on, Stephen got hooked and he has honed his skills by continuously practicing with the cube. The constant strife for perfection made him a queer in high school he was once voted as the person who would be least likely to succeed at anything. As one of AGT magicians, this was therefore, his chance to prove all his doubters and critics wrong.
Brundage claims that he practices for six to eight hours straight every day and that over the course of his lifetime, he has solved the cube over 100000 times. He is currently single and he attributes this to his craft which has taken a lot of his time leaving him with no time for meaningful relationships.
His act –which mesmerized judges at the show – included him solving the cube within seconds when it was dropped inside a bag. The cube would be dropped in, and he would pull it out one second later, fully solved. Judges would also rearrange the cube, but Stephen would pick it, and make the same formation within a second. He was eliminated from the show in the Semi-Final stage.
Smoothini (born Tomas De La Cruz) was 33 years old when he became an America’s got talent magician. He is a professional magician from Manhattan who lives off his trade in America. He branded his magic as Ghetto magic and goes by the title of Ghetto Houdini.
His road to being one of AGT magicians began when he was eight years old. He once saw the legendary David Copperfield performing on TV and that’s where he got really interested in all things magic. He tried his hand in the craft but was very disappointed at first because he just couldn’t get the ropes of how to successfully perform the tricks. Smoothini revealed that he has always had a burning desire to excel in everything he does and so he started putting in the hours to perfect his skills.
He came from a really humble background, and growing up he didn’t have a lot. He never had those magic sets and props for beginners meaning he had to make do with any simple common household object that was available. He started his magic career, practicing with a piece of rope, salt shaker and a deck of cards. He started performing for his rough neighbors who were never impressed. He had to repeat acts countless times. This helped to strengthen his perseverance and resolve. He has previously served in the Marines where he joined at the age of 21, and after successfully completing Boot camp; he was posted to Kuwait where he continued wowing his fellow marines with cool tricks. A.G.T. was something he had been waiting for all his life- a platform where his art could be accepted. His acts at the show included sleight of hand card tricks where cards looked like they were popping out of his fingertips, and even his mouth, mysterious ball to hand teleportation, the pen in a nose trick, and salt and water coming out of his hands.
He appeared on season nine of the show and was eliminated at the Semi-final stage. He currently resides in Las Vegas.
AGT Finalist Magicians
Derek Hughes
Derek Hughes is an American magician who specializes with queer, bizarre and sometimes disgusting card tricks. He is a master of the sleight of hand techniques and has been working with magic for over thirty years.
Derek was fascinated with magic at a very early age. He got hooked to magic when he was 10 years old and he has never looked back. When he was a bit younger, he had to undergo a heart surgery which was very scary for him at that time. He had a magic set at the time which he says kept him company and comforted him all through the process. After the surgery, he dedicated his life to magic. He has a wife and two boys. He appeared on season 10 as one of AGT Magicians.
Derek has always stated that his magic preference has always been live performance because this form of magic represents magic in its purest form. He was fortunate to go all the way to the final round of AGT.
One of his most famous acts was his audition act where he had a completely bizarre, and out of the ordinary act. He started by throwing the audience off track with his weird ball routine. When he finally became serious he performed an act that will definitely not be up there with other America’s got talent magicians performances. He asked one of the judges to pick a card randomly. When the card was picked, he suddenly made the whole deck disappear which would later re-appear in his fly. But the highlight of his act was when he made the previously chosen card, appear in his butt crack.
He reached the final round of the show before being eliminated.
Oz Pearlman
Pearlman is a magician and a mentalist who uses mind reading techniques to perform his tricks. At the time of performing in the show, he was 32 years and from New York. He is however, originally from Israel. He is also a confessed mind reader, and he says he has the ability to read anyone’s mind. Pearlman first encountered magic at the age of 13 years while on a cruise ship. When he was 21 years, he moved to New York and started an illustrious career at Wall Street. It was a 9-5 job that was really paying. Pearlman has since claimed that even though the job was very illustrious and well paying, his heart just wasn’t there. His real passion was to perform his mentalist and mind reading tricks in front of hundreds of adoring fans. It is this desire that eventually led him to perform as one of America’s got talent magicians.
His best-known act was one that included a judge. He candidly asked one of the judges to think of a vacation location where she had gone to and to try and remember who she had gone with. After the judge remembered these facts, Pearlman went ahead and asked the judge to write down on a piece of paper, the location and the name of the person she had gone on vacation with. While doing this Pearlman was looking the other way, and there was no possible way that he would have known what was written on the paper. When he turned frontwards, he produced an envelope that contained a piece of paper that was written on it exactly what the judge had written. These astounded everyone in the room. Overall he finished third in the show which was pretty impressive for a magician.
Piff the Magic Dragon
This is actually his real stage name. You would think that he would be a joker or a clown, but this guy has some serious tricks in his bag. Piff was born John Van der put in the United Kindom back in 1980. He is an established professional magician who currently lives in Las Vegas. He is 36 years old.
His inspiration to become a magician came from a show he saw on TV where the legendary Jerry Sadowitz was performing. By 18, he was already a magician who had already started performing. He was once diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and it is at this point in his life that he decided to follow his heart and delve fully into magic. He is a master of the sleight of hand and other card routines. He has funny looking green costume that he usually performs with. This costume has made some people discredit him, but upon seeing what he can do, they quickly rethink their position on the magician.
His best magic trick on the show was one in which he looked like he had messed up his act but he still knew what he was doing. He invited one of the judges on stage and produced a giant card from his red box. He then asked the judge to randomly choose a card of her own –which she did. He then claimed that his giant card would match the card that was picked by the judge. The audience and the judges started laughing thinking he had messed up his act but what happened next silenced everyone.
He took the judge’s card and started rubbing it with fingers. Right before everyone’s eyes, the card turned into the same giant card he had earlier picked.
Although He didn’t won the Show, But he was able to put his name on the list of ” AGT Magicians Finalist ”
David and Leeman
David and Leeman who are originally from Los Angeles are a duo of professionally performing magicians who have adopted an out of the ordinary act that is sure to capture anyone’s attention. They are both from LA with one being 27 years and the other 29 years at the time of performance. The unique thing with this duo is that their acts involve numerous performances and not just a single act. They are good with card tricks and sleight of hand, general magic and mentalism tricks. They have been performing magic all their lives. Leeman started performing when he was eight years old when he acquired a magic kit and started training himself. David was very good at promoting their shows in the neighborhood and he would put fliers across town, just to get an audience. They started performing in front of their lawns before they continued to get more crowds. Their dream has always been to perform in front of a sold-out crowd that was very large. Well, they got their wish when they performed as one of many AGT magicians.
Their best act on the show was when they asked one of the judges to step on the stage. They then came up with some posters which had some words written on them. They claimed that they had magical powers which would cause the judge to be unable to read what was written on the posters. They then proceeded to hold a part of the judge’s head. After this, they showed the other members of the audience the posters. They were able to read the posters but on showing the poster to the judge he was unable to read. When they stopped touching his head, he was able to read the posters.
The duo went all the way to the finals in season 9. This was very good for them because there were many AGT magicians that season.
AGT Magicians who won the Final.
Matt Franco
Matt Franco who is originally from Rhode Island appeared on season nine of America’s got talent show. He was one of the best if not ‘The best’ AGT magicians ever. He was the eventual winner that season which proved just how talented he was. His acts focus on sleight of hand abilities and card tricks. His first experience with magic was when he was four years old. He saw some magic being performed on TV and immediately asked his parents to get him a magic set. After a lot of practice with the set, he took it to his kindergarten and performed some amazing tricks in front of his classmates. At the time he appeared in the show, he was 25 years. He credits his success to his family-especially his grandmother who he says has always supported him. When he was 12 years old, he saved up some money and went to Las Vegas to learn the trade from some of the biggest names in the industry.
He knew that for him to take his act to the next level, he had to perform in front of a huge audience. His big break came in front of America’s got talent.Matt performed many top of the range acts that eventually propelled him to glory in the show. But the one act that made him number one in America’s got talent magicians was his audition trick where he used his sleight of hand abilities to tell a unique story of his long road to the show. He used random cards from the deck to tell his story with the aid of card characters and numbers. He also turned one of the cards into a blank card and also made the judge’s faces appear on the back of other cards. He currently resides in Las Vegas.
If you think we missed any magicians in our “Top Ten AGT magicians” list. Please Let us know in comment section below.